Wednesday, October 21, 2015

LPOCF ~ #19 ~ Winners & Top 3

Thank You for all the wonderful creations submitted for our 19th Challenge.
We are very happy that you joined us in our little corner of the web, and hope to see you play again.

So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #19 Winners  . . .

1st  .... #215  congratulations ... Lisa J   **Claimed**
You have won 3 Images from  Zuri Artsy Craftsy

2nd ... #169 . . . congratulations ... Beebeebabs   **Claimed**
You have won 3 Images from Concetta Kilmer 

3rd Winner ** Redraw as unclaimed **
Randomly drawn from one of Top 3 goes to ... #152 . . . congratulations  ... Marlies 
You have won 3 Images from Emerald Faeries

Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above and wear with pride.
Winners please email Denise .... 
for your prizes. 
 In subject write LPOCF Winner for C#19

Remember if you WIN you have 7 days {Wednesday 28 October 5:00pm AEST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 3 chosen by Design Team in no particular order are . . 

#2 ... congratulations  ... Marieke

 #152 ... congratulations  ... Marlies
#174 ... congratulations  ... Christina
Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above, and wear with pride.
If you prefer a normal badge instead please email me ...

Once again, Thank You for all the beautiful entries.
We sincerely appreciated everyone joining in the fun with us.
Our latest challenge (LPOCF #20) can be found HERE
Come Join Us . . .


  1. Wow such a pleasant surprise - thank you so much and Congrats to all the winners!!!

  2. I forgot to thank you for the personalized badge!!!

  3. A very good start of my day to see that you chose my card to be in your top three, I'm thrilled! I'll proudly display the lovelybadge on my blog. Thank you very much!!
    Congratulations to the winners and other top picks, beautiful creations!
    hugs, Marlies

  4. Thank you so much for a great Prize. Well done to the other winners and the Top 3's Lisa J

  5. Thank you very much for the Top 3 spot DT! I'll proudly display the badge on my blog!
