Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Lil Patch C#105 ~ Winner & Top 3

Hi and welcome back to Lil Patch's corner of the web...

Wow so many wonderful creations that entered into 
Challenge #105, thanks so much for joining us.
So glad that Mr Random has to select our Winner, 
hope to see you all again.

BIG thanks to our wonderful EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR for 
their support and generous prize
Prize - £6.75 voucher

So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #105 Winner  
so here we go ...

 #144... congratulations ... Linda Simpson **Claimed**
You have won £6.75 voucher from Polkadoodles

Don't forget to grab your badge from side bar and wear with pride.

Winners please email Denise .... 
for your prizes. 

 In subject write Lil Patch Winner for C#105

Remember if you WIN you have 7 days {Wed 29 May 9:00am AEST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 3 chosen by Rae Ann in order of preference are . .

#77 ... congratulations  ... AJ

#160 ... congratulations  ... Bharati Nayudu

#162 ... congratulations  ... Priyadarshini

Don't forget to grab your badge from side bar, and wear with pride.

Once again, Thank You for all the beautiful entries.
We sincerely appreciated everyone joining in the fun with us.
Our latest challenge (Lil Patch #106) can be found HERE
Come Join Us . . .
From Lil Patch Family xxx

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Hello All and welcome back to Lil Patch ...
What a fantastic array of projects that where entered last challenge, who can't wait to see who Mr Random selects as our Winner and DT Rae Ann's Top 3 choices for Challenge #105
but you'll have to come back on ...
 Thursday 23rd @ 9am AEST Brisbane Time to find out.

Now onto this weeks challenge ...

Theme is Always Anything Goes ...

We wish to thank our Fabulous Exclusive Sponsor who have kindly donated images for Team B to work with as well as their generous prize, so thanks from all of us xx

Prize - 4 Images
Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week! 
 And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT for weekly challenges at Catch the Bug

Designers Showcase ~ TEAM B

Suze using Roses Block

Fantastic projects by Team B, well done.
We can't wait to see your entries.
A  BIG thanks again to Bugaboo Stamps
Ensure you follow the RULES and a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL have FUN ...

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Lil Patch C#104~ Winner & Top 3

Hi and welcome back to Lil Patch's corner of the web...

Wow so many wonderful creations that entered into 
Challenge #104, thanks so much for joining us.
So glad that Mr Random has to select our Winner, 
hope to see you all again.

BIG thanks to our wonderful EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR for 
their support and generous prize
Prize - 3 Images

So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #104 Winner  
so here we go ...

 #34 ... congratulations ... Monica C **Claimed**
You have won 3 Images from Lemon Shortbread

Don't forget to grab your badge from side bar and wear with pride.

Winner please email Denise .... 
for your prizes. 
 In subject write Lil Patch Winner for C#104
Remember if you WIN you have 7 days {Wednesday 15th May 9:00am AEST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 3 chosen by Megan in order of preference are . .

#125... congratulations  ... Crafty Cathy

#22 ... congratulations  ... Cards by Beckie

#72 ... congratulations  ... KT Fit Kitty

Don't forget to grab your badge from sidebar, and wear with pride.

Once again, Thank You for all the beautiful entries.
We sincerely appreciated everyone joining in the fun with us.
Our latest challenge (Lil Patch #105) can be found HERE
Come Join Us . . .
From Lil Patch Family xxx

Saturday, May 04, 2019


Hello All and welcome back to Lil Patch ...
What a fantastic array of projects that where entered last challenge, who can't wait to see who Mr Random selects as our Winner and DT Megan's Top 3 choices,
but you'll have to come back on ...
 Thursday 9th @ 9am AEST Brisbane Time to find out.

Now onto this weeks challenge ...

Theme is Always Anything Goes ...

We wish to thank our Fabulous Exclusive Sponsor who have kindly donated images for Team A to work with as well as their generous prize, so thanks from all of us xx

Prize - £6.75 voucher

Designers Showcase ~ TEAM A

A Massive BIG WELCOME to our 
2 new Designers Cat & Joy, it's awesome having as
part of our Lil Patch Family xx

Fantastic projects by Team A, well done.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a BIG thanks again to our Sponsor Polkadoodles 
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...