Saturday, May 04, 2019


Hello All and welcome back to Lil Patch ...
What a fantastic array of projects that where entered last challenge, who can't wait to see who Mr Random selects as our Winner and DT Megan's Top 3 choices,
but you'll have to come back on ...
 Thursday 9th @ 9am AEST Brisbane Time to find out.

Now onto this weeks challenge ...

Theme is Always Anything Goes ...

We wish to thank our Fabulous Exclusive Sponsor who have kindly donated images for Team A to work with as well as their generous prize, so thanks from all of us xx

Prize - £6.75 voucher

Designers Showcase ~ TEAM A

A Massive BIG WELCOME to our 
2 new Designers Cat & Joy, it's awesome having as
part of our Lil Patch Family xx

Fantastic projects by Team A, well done.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a BIG thanks again to our Sponsor Polkadoodles 
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...


  1. Love the sponsor this week. Great design team samples. Thanks for the challenge.

  2. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

  3. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.
