Sunday, April 04, 2021

C #155

 Hello All and welcome back to Lil Patch ... 

BIG thanks to our wonderful EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS for 
their support and generous prize!  
So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #154
winners so here we go ...
#34 ... congratulations ... Myriam

You have won 3 images from Rachel Vass Designs

Don't forget to grab your badge from side bar and wear with pride.

Winner please email Joy .... 
for your prizes. 
 In subject write Lil Patch Winner for C#154
Remember if you WIN you have 7 days or  April 10th {Saturday 9:00am EST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 5 chosen by DT, Team B are . . .

#50 ... congratulations ... Scrappy Horses

 #27 ... congratulations ... Eivor
#8 ... congratulations ... z

#80 ... congratulations ... Wendy F

#78 ... congratulations ... Maxine

Don't forget to grab your badge from side bar, and wear with pride.

Now onto this weeks challenge...

Theme is Always Anything Goes ...

We wish to thank our Fabulous Exclusive Sponsors who have kindly donated images for Team A to work with as well as their generous prize, so thanks from all of us xx

Prize 3 images

The Paper Shelter Shop:

Designers Showcase ~ TEAM A

Cat featuring Enchanting Butterflies

Fantastic projects by Team A, well done.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a big thanks again to All Dressed Up.
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...


  1. Wat leuk dat mijn kaart is gekozen in de top 5
    Dankjewel Dames .
    Groetjes , Elle-Jeanne

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my card to be in the top 5 - I am so excited, and will display the badge with pride!!

  3. Thanks so much for highlighting my card in the Top 5! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and challenges to keep us crafting!

  4. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

  5. Thanks for highlighting my little donkey in the Top 5! Thanks also for all the wonderful challenges and inspiration here!
