Sunday, November 03, 2019

C #117

Hello All and welcome back to Lil Patch ...
What a fantastic array of projects that where entered last challenge, can't wait to see who Mr Random selects as our Winner and DT Suze's Top 3 choices,
but you'll have to come back on ...
 Thursday Nov 6 @ 9am EST New York Time to find out.

Now onto this week's challenge ...

Theme is Always Anything Goes ...

We wish to thank our Fabulous Exclusive Sponsor 
who have kindly donated images for Team A to work with 
as well as their generous prize, so thanks again xx

Lemon Shortbread

Prize - 3 Images

Digital Stamps, Original Art, ACEOs, Colouring Pages & Vector packs by Lemon Shortbread Art (Artist ~ Vera Ma). Shoujo, big eyed art, pop surrealism and nouveau.
Come & play at the Lemon Shortbread Challenge Blog to win digis!
Join us & submit your LSB creations at our Facebook Group:
Facebook Page:
Facebook Profile:
Personal Blog:
Instagram: lemonshortbread

Designers Showcase ~ TEAM A

Rae Ann featuring Winter Girl Puppy

Kelly featuring Winter Girl Puppy

Sladjana featuring Christmas Poinsettia Girl

Louise featuring Christmas Poinsettia Girl

Cat  featuring Christmas Poinsettia Girl

Sharmitha featuring Winter Girl Pupyy

Suze featuring Winter Girl Puppy

Fantastic projects by Team , well done.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a big thanks again to Lemon Shortbread.
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...


  1. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

  2. The card I just entered apparently needs moderation - it wasn't recognising the back link in my blog post for some reason.
