Wednesday, July 20, 2016

LPOCF ~ #37 ~ Winners & Top 3

Thank You for all the wonderful creations submitted 
for Challenge #37.
We are very happy that you joined us in our little corner of the web, and hope to see you play again.

BIG thank you to the Sponsors for their support.

Prize: 7 Images


Prize - 3 Images

So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #37 Winners  

... so our 2 Winners are . . .

1st ... #98... congratulations  ... Anet **Claimed**
You have won 7 Images from  Bugaboo Stamps

2nd ... #169 ... congratulations  ... Monica  **Claimed**
You have won 3 Images from Lemon Shortbread

Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above and wear with pride.
Winners please email Denise .... 
for your prizes. 
 In subject write LPOCF Winner for C#37

Remember if you WIN you have 7 days {Wednesday 27th July 5:00pm AEST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 3 chosen by Jennifer are . .

#32 ... congratulations  ... Erica Paws

#76 ... congratulations  ... coops

#141 ... congratulations  ... Pat K

Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above, and wear with pride.

Once again, Thank You for all the beautiful entries.
We sincerely appreciated everyone joining in the fun with us.
Our latest challenge (LPOCF #38) can be found HERE
Come Join Us . . .

Saturday, July 16, 2016


A Warm Welcome back Crafty Friends. . . 
Wow . . what a fantastic Challenge we had last time, all the creations where outstanding, we thank you for joining us.

Don't forget you have to come back next week on Thursday 21 Jul @ 8am AEST - Brisbane to find out who the 2 Winners & Top 3 are from Challenge #37


We would like to take this opportunity to thank our 2 Fabulous Sponsors  . . . 

Ching-Chou Kuik & Michele R Designs 

for sponsoring our Challenge with wonderful prizes. 
Our generous Sponsors also provided their products for the Designers to create with, so thank you.

~ Sponsor #1 ~
Prize: 1 Image
Ching-Chou Kuik was born in 1979 at Pantai Remis, Perak, Malaysia . She lived in Malaysia, and moved to Taiwan at age of 19, to pursuit her fine art education at National Taiwan Normal University.
In 2003, she graduated with a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts (painting). While in Taipei, Ching-Chou enjoyed being an art teacher for young children from age three to twelve. The originality of the youngsters' pieces inspires her and brings enthusiasm and creativity to her works.Ching-Chou moved to Seattle with her husband in 2005, and a mother to a boy.Ching-Chou became a full-time artist and share her art with others since Mar 2006.

~ Sponsor #2 ~
Prize: 10 Gift Certificate 



Designers Showcase from Team B . . 

Fabulous creations by Team B, so inspiring.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a big thanks again to our 2 Sponsors.
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...

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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

LPOCF ~ #36 ~ Winners & Top 3

Thank You for all the wonderful creations submitted 
for Challenge #36.
We are very happy that you joined us in our little corner of the web, and hope to see you play again.

BIG thank you to the Sponsors for their support.

Prize: 3 Images


with a twist in 3 prizes !!!
Prizes - 1st - 3 Images
2nd - 1 Image
3rd - 1 Image

So Mr. Random. org has been busy selecting our Challenge #36 Winners we have 4 Winners altogether, how great is this !!! . . .

1st ... #9... congratulations  ... Migdalia 
You have won 3 Images from  Fabrika Fantasy

2nd ... #101 ... congratulations  ... J.Atterbury
You have won 3 Images from Miss Daisy Stamps

3rd ... #56 ... congratulations  ... Deanne  
You have won 1 Image from Miss Daisy Stamps

4th ... #121 ... congratulations  ... Anet  
You have won 1 Image from Miss Daisy Stamps

Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above and wear with pride.
Winners please email Denise .... 
for your prizes. 
 In subject write LPOCF Winner for C#36

Remember if you WIN you have 7 days {Wednesday 13th July 5:00pm AEST} to claim your prize, unclaimed prizes will go to one of the Top 3 below. 

So the Top 3 chosen are . .

#81 ... congratulations  ... Donna Mundinger

#159 ... congratulations  ... Nancy

#171 ... congratulations  ... Maggie S

Don't forget to grab your personalised badge above, and wear with pride.

Once again, Thank You for all the beautiful entries.
We sincerely appreciated everyone joining in the fun with us.
Our latest challenge (LPOCF #37) can be found HERE
Come Join Us . . .

Saturday, July 02, 2016


A Warm Welcome back Crafty Friends. . . 
Wow . . what a fantastic Challenge we had last time, all the creations where outstanding, we thank you for joining us.

Don't forget you have to come back next week on Thursday 7 Jul @ 8am AEST - Brisbane to find out who the 2 Winners & Top 3 are from Challenge #36


We would like to take this opportunity to thank our 2 Fabulous Sponsors  . . . 

for sponsoring  with wonderful prizes. 
Our generous Sponsors also provided images for the Designers to create with, so thank you.

~ Sponsor #1 ~

Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week! 
 Join the Bugaboo Stamps DT for weekly challenges at Catch the Bug, too.

~ Sponsor #2 ~
Prize: 3 Images

Digital Stamps, Original Art, ACEOs, Colouring Pages & Vector packs by Lemon Shortbread Art (Artist ~ Vera Ma). Shoujo, big eyed art, pop surrealism and nouveau.
Come & play at the Lemon Shortbread Challenge Blog to win digis!
Join us & submit your LSB creations at our Facebook Group:
Facebook Page:
Facebook Profile:
Personal Blog:
Instagram: lemonshortbread

Designers Showcase from Team A . . 

Fabulous creations by Team A, so inspiring.
We can't wait to see your entries.
And a big thanks again to our 2 Sponsors.
Ensure you follow the RULES and are a FOLLOWER.
Most of ALL just have FUN...

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